EOBA is a team of well experienced Global Supply Chain and Purchase professionals. EOBA realize that, INNOVATION and SUPPLY CHAIN is the major challenge in the inventory management and the Inventory/ Stock can make or break a business. Proper management of the supply chain, can allow a business to thrive.

EOBA will provide the solution for OVERSTOCK and STOCKOUT, inventory is often the largest item in the balance sheet. Issues with inventory can contribute to business losses, even failures. When a business invests in more inventory than it can sell (overstock), it creates a deficit in the budget. Not enough inventory (Stockout), compromising customer service and customers move to other suppliers. Good inventory management controls the timing and costs of non-capitalized assets and stock items, allowing a business to reach optimal profitability.

Inventory management is a very important issue for most organizations. EOBA aim to control the cost of operations through Good Inventory Management Support. Tying up too much money in your inventory will bring your company down. Not spending enough can hurt your customer service. You can choose EOBA as your all in one procurement platform.

In challenging times, see how EOBA’s Global Supply Chain and Purchase professional experts outsource your entire procurement needs to reduce operating cost and risk, save time, improve speed and efficiency, can create business continuity for better workflows to transform your organization. 

The purpose of EOBA e-Shop to deliver high quality products from trusted vendors/manufacturer.